Where can I find pricing and place an order please?
When will we be able to pre order?
And if it’s due to come out in November when will it ship and when will it arrive to New York?
It’s a long way to Tipperary! Dust and lime has been accumulated on my Lp’s tracks. Beer, coffee and spanish salami chorizo and vino stems have been lovingly sprayed on my vinyls. I can’t help to enjoy the humming flaps dawning a new brave analogic sound!! Please, work fine and calm to succeed soon to ship sooner and sooner.
Thanksalotttt to the team!!!
Are pre-orders available still? Very interested in your product. Cheers!
Please forward a pre-order sales sheet. I would like to order one. Thanks so much!
Where can I find pricing and place an order please?
When will we be able to pre order?
And if it’s due to come out in November when will it ship and when will it arrive to New York?
It’s a long way to Tipperary! Dust and lime has been accumulated on my Lp’s tracks. Beer, coffee and spanish salami chorizo and vino stems have been lovingly sprayed on my vinyls. I can’t help to enjoy the humming flaps dawning a new brave analogic sound!! Please, work fine and calm to succeed soon to ship sooner and sooner.
Thanksalotttt to the team!!!
Are pre-orders available still? Very interested in your product. Cheers!
Please forward a pre-order sales sheet. I would like to order one. Thanks so much!