HumminGuru E-commerce website is now Live!
Jacqueline NgShare
In December 2020, we launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the new product, HumminGuru. It was a successful campaign that achieved over 259% of the campaign goal. We are thankful for the platform that offers the best way to build a community around the product and gain incredible insights into the vinyl community’s expectation toward the HumminGuru product idea. We greatly appreciate all questions and feedbacks we’ve gathered that greatly help us improving and creating an even better product.
Today, we are very delighted to officially announce the launch of our e-commerce website. Visit us at humminguru.com. Our goal with this site is to provide our visitors a direct channel to learn about HumminGuru ultrasonic vinyl record cleaner. For those who missed to pledge on our Kickstarter campaign, we warmly welcome you to pre-order on this new site.
The site also contains integrated social media buttons for Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Pinterest to foster close communication with our users and supporters. Feel free to follow us or subscribe to our newsletter to receive our regular update on production progress.
For any questions, suggestions, or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team will be happy to assist you.
Thank You!
When will pre-ordering be available again?
When do you plan to start shipping pre-odered machines?
How much does it cost
I see a missed the pre-order window. Will I be able to order later?
kiedy ta myjka będzie w normalnej sprzedarzy